5th Grade: Conducting a 21st Century Study on Technology

Blog by Mrs. Buggio, School-based Technology Specialist:

The 5th grade students are conducting a 21st century study on technology, its impact on their learning now, and how building technology skills early will prepare them for their futures. Named for their end goal, Leaving a Legacy is a project with a big end goal in mind with potential to make a major student impact in all grade levels at Freedom Hill.  The students are working in classroom teams to accomplish the following:

  • Class 1: Examples of how tech is currently being used and benefitting students (Brosnan)
  • Class 2: Why technology is so important for the future (Roach)
  • Class  3: How will it benefit the business (Laman-Maharg)
  • Class 4: Academic benefits now (Nowak)

From the online and in person research that they are gathering, the recorded interviews of teachers, students in various grade levels, older siblings and parents as well as the image and video collection of artifacts throughout the process, the students will create 10 minute infomercial targeted at area businesses to build partnerships and look for support of a school based technology initiative. Their end goal is to obtain business partnerships that result in the financial support of a 1:1 iPad Mini initiative for all grades, Preschool to grade six. The students have recognized that in order to be prepared for their future, they must participate in and ultimately design inquiry-based activities in all content areas in order to deepen their learning and prepare for a workforce that is constantly evolving and changing. As a part of the project, the FCPS Red Apple 21 cable network team trained the students on best practices when digitally filming with mobile devices (iPads) and came a second day to train them on film editing practices in Windows Movie Maker and iMovie.

The students have thoroughly enjoyed the project and teachers have noted a significant rise in engagement, student interest and participation.  The attached images document the student learning process and our visit from the Red Apple 21 crew.  Check the blog in June for a link to the final product!