Oakton Pyramid schools Sponsoring Digital Citizenship Expo for Community

Blog by Mrs. Buggio, School-based Technology Specialist:

The Oakton Pyramid schools are sponsoring a Digital Citizenship Expo for the community. The Expo is open to all FCPS parents and will be held November 29th at 6:30pm, at Oakton High School. The event will feature information and discussions about topics such as social media use, safety online, legal and ethical implications of our digital footprints and more. The event will include an opening session, and the option to attend two breakout sessions.

Please click Google Form below if you are interested in attending: https://docs.google.com/a/fcpsschools.net/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeQRGDE4W2eKuntg7Oji3JPpaZ2EfqvvT0o3LwVhRQ507iEGA/viewform?c=0&w=1

Visit this PDF for additional information: http://www2.fcps.edu/RachelCarsonMS/general%20information/docs/OaktonPyramid-DigitalCitizenshipExpo.pdf