Head Lice Resources (Previous KIT Message)

Hello Freedom Hill Community,

This message isn’t to alarm you, but to inform you.  I want to share with you some resources to better understand how the school responds to any reports of head lice and how you can help.  The following link provides details about our responsibilities as well as for parents.  Also available is the Head Lice Treatment – What Parent’s Need to Know Brochure.  If you are aware of head lice in your home, it is critical for you to report it to our clinic as soon as possible so we can assist you and minimize the impact in the building.  If your child’s classroom ever has a confirmed case of head lice, you will receive a formal letter from me.

Here is the link: http://www.fcps.edu/dss/osp/healthservices/HeadLice.shtml

Thank you for taking the time to review this important information.

All my best,


Scott E. Bloom, Principal, FHES